Gdzie jesteś: Strona główna / Department of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy

Department of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy

The Department of Electrical Power and Renewable Energy at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science was established on 01.09.2020. from the transformation of the Institute of Electrical Power and Renewable Energy. The history and roots of the currently functioning Unit, however, date back to 1967 and are associated with the establishment of the then research team and power engineering laboratory.

The research and development work carried out at the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy focuses on the broadly understood power industry, in particular in the area of technical condition assessment of electric power devices with the use of modern measurement methods, technical diagnostics, electrotechnical materials science and the use of digital signal processing methods and the use of artificial intelligence elements in analysis of measurement data. In addition, as part of the work of the Department, research is carried out in the field of brain-computer technology development, analysis of biomedical data and solutions for broadly understood biomedical engineering. There is also a Scientific Circle of Bioengineers within the Department.

The confirmation of the high scientific activity of employees are numerous publications in recognized periodicals, participation in national and international conferences and symposia, published books and monographs, and above all, numerous expert opinions and commissioned work carried out for the power industry and biomedical engineering. Moreover, the Department of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy is the organizer of the cyclical international scientific conference International Scientific Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces BCI Opole.

Staff of the Department of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy apply and take part in many research and development projects financed, among others, by: the National Science Center, the National Center for Research and Development, the European Union within Regional Operational Programs, as well as on behalf of individual business entities.

Research directions

  • diagnostics of high-voltage insulation systems in power devices, 
  • vibroacoustic tests of electric power devices,
  • classification and recognition of the forms of partial discharges recorded by the acoustic emission method,
  • assessment of the impact of physicochemical parameters of insulating liquids on descriptors characterizing acoustic emission signals,
  • the use of polarization methods to assess the degree of moisture in insulation systems of power devices,
  • measurements and analysis of partial discharges using the electric method, UHF and with the use of Rogowski coils,
  • the use of the acoustic emission method for diagnostics of on-load tap changers,
  • the use of optical spectroscopy, IR and UV cameras in the diagnosis of corona discharges of overhead lines and high-voltage equipment,
  • management of electricity losses in distribution networks,
  • electricity quality testing and assessment,
  • tests of mineral oils modified with C60 fullerenes, metal oxides and other nanoparticles,
  • research in the field of renewable energy, mainly wind energy (research on infrasound, vibrations of wind turbines),
  • research on the optimization of electricity consumption in wastewater treatment plants, 
  • diagnostics of power grid conditions,
  • designing electrical power protection automation systems,
  • creating mathematical models of security automation systems,
  • computer aided testing of transient states in input circuits of protection automation systems,
  • computerization of measurement processes of fast varying transient waveforms in power systems,
  • methods of planning the development of the transmission network in the power system,
  • design and testing of measuring equipment to control energy conversion processes,
  • research on the phenomenon of static electrification of dielectrics and its use to assess aging processes in dielectrics, in particular transformer oils,
  • study of the phenomenon of electroadhesion,
  • application and use of machine learning methods and artificial intelligence elements in the support systems for the assessment of the technical condition of electrical power devices,
  • research on the possibility of using brain-computer interfaces in control processes and medical sciences,
  • research on the acquisition, analysis and processing of biomedical signals, including the EEG signal.

Laboratories and research laboratories

  • Laboratory of Grid and Power Systems,
  • Laboratory of Protection Automation,
  • IFM Industry 4.0 Laboratory,
  • Energy Conversion Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Electrical Devices
  • Material Engineering Laboratory
  • Energia IT Lab
  • IT Lab Center Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Safe Use of Electrical Equipment
  • Laboratory of Medical Apparatus
  • Laboratory of Interferences and Measurement Systems
  • Laboratory of High Voltage Techniques
  • Surge Voltage Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Interface Technology-Computer Brain
  • Mobile Laboratory of Infrasound and vibroacoustic research
  • Mobile Computer Laboratory
  • Materials Testing Laboratory
  • Electronics Laboratory
  • High Voltage Equipment Insulation Diagnostics Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Diagnostics of Insulation Systems
  • Laboratory of High Voltage Techniques

NCBiR and NCN projects

  • NCBiR – TANGO “Expert system for the assessment of partial discharges in power transformers”; head: dr inż. Michał Kunicki; implementation 2020 – 2021
  • NCN – PRELUDIUM “Investigation of the phenomenon of the incomplete discharge in the electric insulating oil based on the simultaneous use of electrical, acoustic emission and UHF measurement methods”; head: dr inż. Michał Kunicki; implementation 2016-2019
  • NCN – MINIATURA – “Numerical and experimental analysis of acoustic emission signals emitted by surface type incomplete discharges in various types of electroinsulating liquids”; head: dr inż. D. Wotzka; implementation 2017-2018
  • NCBiR – PBS3 “Innovative algorithms for the diagnosis of leaks in the water supply infrastructure”; head: prof. dr hab. inż.  T. Boczar; implementation 2015-2018
  • NCN – OPUS 6 “Identification of nonlinear phenomena in the process of jet electrification”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. D. Zmarzły; implementation 2014-2017
  • NCN – Prelude “Research on high-energy radiation generated by partial discharges”, head: dr inż. Łukasz Nagi; implementation 2015-2017
  • NCN – OPUS 5 “Investigation of physical phenomena connected with the generation of incomplete discharges occurring in electric insulating oil”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boczar; implementation 2014 – 2016
  • NCBiR – LIDER “Assessment of the technical condition of transformers based on the analysis of recorded vibroacoustic signals”; head:  dr hab. inż. Sebastian Borucki; implementation 2011-2014
  • NCBiR – LIDER “Diagnostics of on-load tap changers in electrical power transformers”; head: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Cichoń; implementation 2010-2013
  • MNiSW – “Analysis of the possibility of using the cavitation phenomenon to diagnose the aging degree of insulating oils”; head prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boczar; realization 2009-2010
  • MNiSW – “Analysis of the possibility of using the vibroacoustic method in diagnostics of power transformer cores”; head: dr inż. Sebastian Borucki; realization 2009-2010
  • MNiSW  – “Study of the influence of fullerenes on the electrification of insulating liquids”; prof. dr hab. inż. D. Zmarzły; realization 2009-2010
  • MNiSW – “Analysis of the static electricity signal generated during the flow of liquid dielectrics”; prof. dr hab. inż. D. Zmarzły; implementation 2007-2009
  • MNiSW  – research and development project “Expert system for assessing the condition of insulation systems of electrical power transformers using the acoustic emission method”; head: prof. prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boczar; realization 2006-2009

Projects from European funds

  • European Regional Development Fund, ROP of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Equipping with research equipment for the technical diagnostics research school existing at the Opole University of Technology – a specialist center of technological competence”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Skubis; project value: 1,971,690.00 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, ROP of Opole Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development works and innovativeness for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory of stroke voltage diagnostics at Opole University of Technology – II stage”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boczar; project value 2,010,337. 28 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development work and innovation for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory for optical partial discharge spectrophotometry at the Opole University of Technology”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Zmarzły; project value 306,888.87 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Establishing an innovative ITlab Center supporting the development of scientific research, R&D works for enterprises and the idea of sustainable development based on modern IT technologies at the Opole University of Technology”; head:  prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Zmarzły; project value 2,175,940.79 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development works and innovation for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory EnergiaITlab at the Opole University of Technology”; head: dr inż. Daria Wotzka; project value 622,104.77 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development works and innovation for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory for infrasound diagnostics at the Opole University of Technology”; head: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Cichoń; project value 215,748.86 PLN
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development work and innovation for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory for work optimization and expansion of power distribution networks at the Opole University of Technology”; head: dr inż. Andrzej Włóczyk
  • European Regional Development Fund, RPO of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013, “Development of scientific research, development works and innovation for enterprises in the idea of sustainable development by creating a modern laboratory for surge voltage diagnostics at the Opole University of Technology”; head: prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boczar; project value: 658,173.66 PLN
  • European Union Tempus program, “Russian Higher Education in Information Technology: an International Approach (ITAPP)” – Education at IT departments in Russia: international studies, TEMPUS JEP – 27211-2006; head: dr hab. inż. Barbara Kaszowska; implementation 2007-2009
  • European Union, Leonardo da Vinci program “Energy Efficiency for Europe”; head: dr hab. inż. Barbara Kaszowska; implementation 2002-2004